white background with red text and a graphic of two books with a globe on top

                           We want to give a HUGE shout-out to Jaden Smith and Kesler Frost for winning the state National History Day competition held Saturday at UCA!  Jaden placed 2nd in the state (Senior Division) with her exhibit about Christian Dior.  Kesler placed 2nd in the state (Junior Division) with his exhibit about Froebel (Kindergarten creator).


Both students will represent Arkansas at the (in-person) national contest in College Park, MD at the University of MD.  It's just outside Washington, D.C. in June.

We also had RHS students, Sarah Shoptaw, Jenesis Arevalo, Eddie Sanchez, Olive Clair, and Vicky Liu place 3rd in the state (Senior Division) with their group performance about Lincoln and Reconstruction.  

National History Day is a year-long research project conducted on a student's own initiative.  This is an amazing accomplishment when you consider 300,000 students across the nation begin the contest and only 2000 make Nationals.

Another great year for our History Day program!

 We are #whirlwindPROUD