The December Employee of the Month is Coach Ben Goodman! He is a 9th Coach and Science Teacher at RJHS! He was nominated by Brooks Burk and Sigrid Christensen and here is what they had to say, "He is so nice. He is never rude and really cares about his students. He is really funny, but never in a sarcastic way This is why he should be nominated...He is one of the best teachers I have had by far. He is so funny and always puts our class in a good mood. He brightens our day and always has a motivational speech prepared when we're "in our feelings" As he says...He always stand up for truth and is willing to speak truth. Regardless if it offends others. We need people in this world who will stand up for truth and make a difference in this world and he is a prime example of one of those people. Even though his class is hard and the subject he teaches doesn't necessarily come easy, he is the kind of person who deserves this kind of award. He is the most deserving candidate for this honor."
The December Student of the Month is 9th grader Melissa Lowenburg! She was nominated by Chrystal Hall and here is what she had to say, "She always has a good attitude and a smile on her face. I know that I don't see her in the classroom, but I know her outside of school and when she comes to the nurse's office. She never complains about any difficulties she may be having even though I'm sure she encounters more than most. She truly deserves to be recognized for the kind of person she is on a daily basis."
RJHS wants to say a big congratulations to Mr. Goodman and Melissa Lowenburg