Robotics team posing with trophies

Cyclone Robotics Continues Legacy of Excellence at State Tournament


Cyclone Robotics teams won multiple awards at the Arkansas State Robotics Tournament on Saturday. Teams 967C, 967E, 967S, and 967Y earned spots to compete in the State Tournament earlier this season and battled it out on Saturday with the best teams in Arkansas. In May robotics teams from across the world will be invited to compete in the VEX World Robotics Tournament in Dallas, TX.  All four Cyclone Robotics teams earned invitations based on their performance on and off the competition field.  Arkansas gets 16 total invitations for this event and RSD’s Cyclone Robotics makes up 25 percent of those invitations. 


As well as earning a World invitation, team 967Y earned the title of Arkansas State Robotics Tournament Champion, for winning the tournament in elimination rounds.  This makes Cyclones Robotics 4 time state champions in robotics in the last 5 years.


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Caption: Team 967Y seen here celebrating their victory in semifinals. Team members include Michael Colburn, Justin Contreas-Portillo, Sherlyn Escobar, Grecia Navarro, and Kang Zhang.


Team 967Y also won the Think Award.  This award is given to the team with impressive and effective autonomous programming.


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Caption: Team 967Y seen here with their alliance partner and their Tournament Champion award.


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Caption: Team 967S won the Build Award for a well crafted robot. Here they are being interviewed by STEM professionals where they explain the design process. Team members include Cody Craig, Madeline Fithen, Vicente Merino, Judit Morales, and Garren Skartvedt. 


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Caption: Teams 967C and 967E formed an alliance in elimination rounds and made it to the semifinals, earning invitations to compete in the VEX Robotics World Tournament. Team members for  967C include Luke Cantu, Benjamin McArthur, Jonatan Morales, Carlos Ramirez, William Romero, and Samuel Tate. Team members of 967E include Jordan Bain, Veeran Donda, Andrew Escue, Gavin Hurbanek, and Crawford Rash


The VEX Robotics World Championship brings together the top VEX Robotics Competition teams from around the globe to celebrate their accomplishments and participate for the opportunity to be crowned World Champions. The World Championship takes place on May 5th through May 7th in Dallas, TX.


Cyclones Robotics is super excited for this opportunity and greatly appreciates our community's support over the last five years. Thank you to all those who have shown support!


Go Cyclones!!